Dr. János Novák Ph.D.

Dr. János Novák Ph.D.

Medical Director, Chief Medical Officer
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Gyula

Medical Director, Gastroenterologist, Endomedix Gyula

Medical Director, Chief Medical Officer
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Gyula
Dr. János Novák is the medical director of the Endomedix Diagnostic Centre in Gyula, head physician of internal medicine and gastroenterology, associate professor.

Doctor Novák Tuesdays between 16 and 18 hours assigns the Endomedix headquarters in Gyula. You can apply directly to him for an examination on weekdays between 10-14 hours with +36-30-995-0319 . Unfortunately, online registration is not possible in our Gyula Centre.
Professional qualifications of Dr. János Novák Ph.D
-Medical University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine (1970)
-Examination in gynaecology (1989)
-Examination in gastroenterology (1993)
-Ph.D degree in Gastroenterology (2003)
-Szeged Phare Programme, Health Manager (2004)

Dr. János Novák Ph.D. professional experience
-Denominated University Docent, SZTE Faculty of General Medicine (2013)
-Department Chief Medical Officer (2001-)
-Appointment as a medical doctor (1999)
-Adjunct Professor appointment (1996)
-Gastroenterologist, Gastroenterologist, General Gastroenterology Department III of Pándy Kálmán County Hospital in Gyula (1985-)

Dr. János Novák Ph.D. national professional positions
-Member, Hungarian Colorectal Cancer Screening Committee
-Tag, American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2007-)
-Tag, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2007-)
-Board member, Hungarian Society of Internal Medicine - Decentrum (2006-)
-Board member, Hungarian Gastroenterological Society - Colon Section (2005-)
-Board member, Hungarian Gastroenterological Society (2001-)

Scientific work of Dr. János Novák Ph.D.
Gastroenterology requires not only manual skills, but also a continuous increase in theoretical knowledge. To this end, Dr. János Novák Ph.D. has participated in numerous study trips, conferences and practical training courses abroad and in Hungary, where he has been able to learn about the latest scientific advances. He has endeavoured to be an active participant in these forums, as reflected in the nearly 200 professional and continuing education lectures he has given. The topics of these lectures have been mainly related to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. His first professional publication in Anaesth. Int. Th. (1991). He studied the liver perfusion of patients with shock on the instructions of Professor Aristid Kovách and presented his results in Stockholm and at the Stieglitz Symposium in Berlin in 1994, receiving a special award from the internationally renowned board of directors. His special interest is the study of the gastrointestinal manifestations of a rare immunocomplex disease, Schönlein-Henoch purpura, and his publications and lectures are grouped under this theme. As a rare disease, the scientific results of his work on this topic have been published not only in his home country but also in international journals. To date, more than 60 publications have been published in foreign and national journals, Cumulative impact factor: 117.1338. Citation index: 129. RG score: 32.06. More than 200 presentations. In 2003 he defended his thesis at the University of Debrecen, his supervisor was Prof Sipka Sándor, his programme leader was Prof Szegedi Gyula.

Specialisation of Dr. János Novák Ph.D.
Dr. János Novák Ph.D. has more than 30 years of experience in internal medicine, especially in gastroenterology, and is a nationally recognized expert in this specialty, with considerable expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of general internal medicine.

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