our packages

In our Budapest headquarters a wide range of screening tests. You can register for our screening tests directly by phone at (36) 1 413-2500 or request a callback.

All our package offers are preceded by a preliminary consultation with a specialist, which is subject to a fee.


Recommended for under 40s

Kedvezményes csomagár: 199 000,- Ft

Basic Plus

Recommended for under 40s

Kedvezményes csomagár: 260 000,- Ft


Recommended for over 40 years

Attention! The screening does not include any intervention other than those listed. This is reimbursable separately (additional histology, specialist evaluation of biopsy specimens taken during colonoscopy, polypectomy, etc.)

Kedvezményes csomagár: 369 000,- Ft


Recommended for over 50s

Attention! The screening does not include any intervention other than those listed. This is reimbursable separately (additional histology, specialist evaluation of biopsy specimens taken during colonoscopy, polypectomy, etc.)

Kedvezményes csomagár: 419 000,- Ft


food intolerance package

Recommended for over 50s

Attention! The screening does not include intervention other than anaesthesia and the targeted histological sampling described above. This is charged separately (histology, polypectomy, etc.)

Kedvezményes csomagár: 279 000,- Ft

If any of the tests are contraindicated by our specialists, we will refund the price of the screening packages and charge you for each test performed.

Package offers are valid for 3 months from the date of purchase - otherwise prices are subject to change.

Indítsd az évet tudatosan!
Az Endobiom Bél Mikrobiom vizsgálatunkat most

-30% kedvezménnyel
vásárolhatod meg!

Ne hagyd ki ezt a lehetőséget, légy a legjobb formádban 2025-ben!

Termék teljes ára: 129.990 Ft,

AKCIÓS ÁR: 90.995 Ft

* Az ajánlat visszavonásig érvényes, más akciókkal és kedvezményekkel nem vonható össze.