Colonoscopy procedure

After successful preparation, the colonoscopy itself can take place. If the colonoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia, a small plastic cannula (Branül) is inserted into a forearm vein before the procedure - this is used to administer the intravenous anaesthetic (e.g. Propofol) and painkillers.

Once the patient is on the examination table, our doctor will perform a finger examination of the rectum (digital rectal examination). In the case of an anaesthetic examination, an anaesthetic is administered at this time, which causes the patient to fall into a superficial sleep.

The large intestine is the final part of the alimentary canal, which runs from the end of the small intestine (here there is a valve, the Bauchin valve, which separates the final (terminal) part of the small intestine from the beginning of the large intestine) to the rectal opening, 2-2.5 metres long.

A colonoscopy is a review of the entire colon and in the vast majority of cases, if the valve described above is opened, the final stage of the small bowel, with the possibility of detecting sources of bleeding, inflammation, polyps and tumours, histological examination during the examination and therapeutic intervention (e.g. polypectomy - removal of the polyp in its entirety, control or elimination of active bleeding).

During the test, a flexible instrument about 170 centimetres long is usually used to look through the entire colon. Our doctor inserts the lubricating instrument through the anus into the rectum. Moving slowly and carefully, we usually reach the cecum or, if the Bauhin valve is opened, the last few centimetres of the small intestine.

During the operation of the device, air can be injected into the large intestine to achieve better viewing conditions, water can be injected to clean the wall or optics, or suction can be used to remove the blown air or any fluid in the intestine that may interfere with the examination.

Tissue samples can be taken from abnormal lesions through a channel in the device, and polyps found in the colon can also be removed through a loop through this channel to prevent colon cancer.
The examination usually starts in the left lateral position, but later the patient's position can be changed several times and the abdomen can be massaged by our assistant, thus facilitating the deployment of the device. The patient does not experience any pain during the anaesthetic mirroring due to the air being introduced into the colon and during the ascent.

The main part of the colonoscopy is performed while the instrument is slowly pulled out for at least 6 minutes. The colon wall is thoroughly inspected, centimetre by centimetre, and the inflated air is aspirated. After the examination, the endoscope is pulled out by our doctor - that's the end of the colonoscopy.

After the examination, the patient remains in the observation room, where he or she wakes up with a clear consciousness and the remaining air is naturally expelled.

Other recommended articles: Before colonoscopy, After colonoscopy

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