Mirroring: only with a certificate of immunity or a negative test

Gastroscopic and colonoscopic examinations are considered invasive procedures under the regulations, so the EMMI and NNK's current, 2which will enter into force at the end of August 021 we are required by your instructions to ask for your your immunity certificate before the intervention.

If you do not have an immunity certificate, Negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test within 48 hours or negative antigen rapid test result of the day is required prior to the intervention.

Legal background

Government Decree 469/2021 (VIII. 6.)

on emergency planning for dental care, rehabilitation care and invasive procedures

2. Conditions of care for patients presenting for planned dental care, rehabilitation care or planned invasive procedures

2. § (1) For scheduled dental care, admission to a health facility for rehabilitation care or planned invasive intervention the care of a person who has presented himself/herself as a patient (hereinafter referred to as "the patient"), excluding the taking of blood and the administration of injections, shall be subject, with the exception of paragraph 3, to the condition that the patient, who is at least six years old
a) protected against the crown virus, or
b) the planned treatment or intervention prior to within 48 hours a molecular biological test with negative results - SARS-CoV-2 PCR test - and the care or the on the day of intervention performed with negative results rapid antigen test certifies that no SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was detected in your body at the time of testing.
(2) Admission of a person accompanying a patient (hereinafter referred to as "accompanying person") to a planned dental treatment or to a health care institution shall be subject to the accompanying person
a) protected against the crown virus, or
(b) a negative result in a molecular biological test - SARS-CoV-2 PCR test - carried out within 48 hours prior to the planned treatment or intervention and a negative result in a rapid antigen test carried out on the day of the treatment or intervention, proving that no SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was present in his/her body at the time of the test.
(3) In the case of a person presenting for a planned invasive procedure who is not protected against coronavirus, if the risk of the invasive procedure is negligible from a professional point of view, the planned invasive procedure may be performed without the tests referred to in paragraph (1)(b) being carried out, based on the decision of the specialist performing the planned invasive procedure.


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