Siófok Gastroenterology Centre

At the Endomedix Diagnostic Centre in Siófok we offer a full range of gastroenterology services.
You can register for our examinations on weekdays, between 11-17 hours with 06-30-709-5656 Melinda Tollas, Senior Endoscopy Specialist. Please note that due to ongoing investigations, we are not always able to answer the phone immediately - we apologise in advance! Unfortunately, online registration is not possible at our Siófok centre.

Contact us

8600 Siófok Semmelweis utca 1
(Ground floor of the old medical centre 9.)


GPS: (46.901499, 18.045269)
Reservation: 06-30-709-5656
Medical Director Siófok: 06-30-946-6488
Endomedix central number: 06-1-413-2500 (no reservations for Siófok).

Our centre in pictures

Our Siófok headquarters are located in the old medical centre, on the ground floor, number 9. Click on the pictures and get to know our Siofok centre!

Our services, doctors and fees

Below you can see the services we offer and the doctors who work here. You can make an appointment for any examination or to see a doctor by clicking here, or the (1) 413-2500 phone number. Get to know our funding opportunities

Siófok Gastroenterology Centre- Services / Prices



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ECG (12 leads)
5 000 Ft
Prescribing advice
From 14 000 Ft
Polyp removal per polyp
19 000 Ft
Recipe writing
From HUF 5 000
Sanitas Card
7 795 Ft
Pathology evaluation of tissue
29 000 Ft-tól
Specialist assessment of histopathological results
22 000 Ft
Tus mark
From HUF 30 000
Blood collection labour costs
3 000 Ft
Haemostasis/haemoclip and or injection
From HUF 30 000

During the performance of some of our tests, our specialists may consider it professionally necessary to provide additional services. These may include histological sampling or removal of polyps. For information on the cost of these, please consult our full price list, our specialists or our call centre.

Our doctors in this centre

Dr. János Kersák

Medical Director, Gastroenterologist, Endomedix Siófok

From 26,000 Ft


Dr. Kovács Zoltán

Belgyógyász-gasztroenterológus, Endomedix Siófok

From 26,000 Ft


Other members of our team at this centre

Nóra Inhof

Dr. Zsuzsanna Bognár

Tollas Melinda

Ildikó Kékesi

Andrea Vajda

Book an appointment with us!

Budapest, debrecen, dombóvári, Miskolc, szolnoki and Veszprém you can make an appointment at our centre on working days, Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 by calling (1) 413-2500 or online - some examinations can be booked by appointment! for Győr, Gyula, Sofia and for Mohács you can register by calling our local colleagues at our centre. Too complicated? See phone book or request a callback!

Procedure of the investigation

1 Book an appointment

2 Confirmation email

3 you will be notified by SMS or by phone call the day before the inspection

4 Patient information (if not coming for a consultation)

5 Arrive at the surgery at the appointed time

6 Satisfaction survey

Online booking

Indítsd az évet tudatosan!
Az Endobiom Bél Mikrobiom vizsgálatunkat most

-30% kedvezménnyel
vásárolhatod meg!

Ne hagyd ki ezt a lehetőséget, légy a legjobb formádban 2025-ben!

Termék teljes ára: 129.990 Ft,

AKCIÓS ÁR: 90.995 Ft

* Az ajánlat visszavonásig érvényes, más akciókkal és kedvezményekkel nem vonható össze.