Hydrogen breath test - lactose (3 hours)

However, in its absence, lactose passes undigested to the colon, where it is fermented by bacteria in the large intestine into gases - such as hydrogen - and acids, which can cause unpleasant, even painful symptoms: stomach pain, bloating, intestinal cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting. There are many types of lactose intolerance - it can be congenital, it can be triggered by disease, and it can even decrease with age. A simple, painless way to diagnose lactose intolerance is to perform a so-called H2, or hydrogen breath test, which detects the hydrogen produced by exposure to lactose in the air that is blown out of the mouth. The advantage of the hydrogen breath test is that it can detect all types of lactose intolerance.

Presentation of the test

In the H2 breath test, the patient's mouth and throat are first rinsed with an antibacterial agent. The patient then consumes a glass of lactose-containing test fluid. Afterwards, every 20 minutes, the patient breathes into the test device, which checks the amount of hydrogen absorbed - lactose intolerance is associated with high hydrogen levels. In addition, of course, we also record if typical symptoms of lactose intolerance appear. The total time of the test is 180 minutes, most of which is waiting time - so it's a good idea to bring a good book!

What to know about the test

The test should not be performed in case of fever or viral illness. For younger children, the strictness of the diet is set by the doctor. Please adhere strictly to the following instructions, otherwise the test may give a false abnormal result! Do not take before the test: Antibiotics, probiotics within one month Within one week, antacids and digestive medications Within two days Diet from the morning of the day before the test: do not eat: fruit, vegetables, pulses, puffy foods, stews, or foods in which vegetables have been cooked do not eat: dairy products and milk, lactose-containing foods, pastries with milk, chocolate, oil seeds, foods with significant amounts of fat and oil no carbonated drinks, fruit juice, alcohol (no smoking) What you can eat and drink: cooked, natural fried or steamed: potatoes, rice, ham, poultry, fish, eggs, pasta lactose-free cold cuts and sausages, lactose-free margarine white flour buns, rolls, bread (without seeds) non-carbonated mineral water Do not eat anything after 7 p.m. and do not drink anything after 9 p.m. until the test! Brush your teeth thoroughly the evening before the test. The test is done on an empty stomach and takes 3 hours. On the morning of the test and again immediately before the test, it is recommended to brush your teeth thoroughly WITHOUT BRUSHING (brushing water must not be swallowed). Do not take your child's morning medication, toothpaste, mouthwash, lipstick, gum or candy before the test.

What to know about the lactose intolerance tax credit

At the beginning of 2018, the condition for the issue of a medical certificate entitling to the tax reduction is the exclusion of curable intestinal infections in the case of lactose intolerance negative lactulose H2 breath test, and subsequently positive lactose H2 breath test. You can find a medical explanation here.

Settlement also to a health fund account

The fee for the examination can of course also be charged to your health insurance account - our colleagues will be happy to provide you with more details. Visit Find a list of health insurance providers affiliated with Endomedix here. For more details, please call us on +36 1 413 2500 or contact us online.

Related examinations

The hydrogen absorption test is not only suitable for detecting lactose intolerance. A H2 breath test - fructose can be used to assess fructose sensitivity, while the H2 breath test - lactulose to detect contaminated small bowel syndrome.

Hydrogen breath test - lactose (3 hours) available at the following centres

Our doctors who carry out this test

Book an appointment with us!

You can make appointments at our centres in Budapest, Debrecen, Dombóvár, Miskolc, Szolnok and Veszprém on working days, Monday to Friday between 09:00-17:00 by calling (1) 413-2500 or online - some examinations can be booked by appointment! For our centres in Győr, Gyula, Siófok and Mohács, you can make an appointment by phone with your local colleague. Too complicated? See phone book or request a call back!

Online booking

Settlement also to a health fund account

The fee for the examination can of course also be charged to your health insurance account - our colleagues will be happy to provide you with more details. Visit You can find a list of health insurance providers affiliated with Endomedix here.

For more details, please contact us (+36 1 413 2500) or contact us online.