Helicobacter pylori - what do you need to know about helicobacter infection?

Helicobacter pylori is a very common pathogen, found in half of the world's population. The Helicobacter bacterium is transmitted from person to person through food contaminated with microscopic traces of faeces or by putting into the mouth a body part or object that has been similarly contaminated.

It is therefore easy for immediate family members or people living in the same household to infect each other. Many people are infected as babies.

What diseases can be caused by helicobacter infection?

It is a scientifically proven fact that people with Helicobacter infection have a significantly increased risk of developing certain digestive diseases, ranging from gastritis to diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers or stomach cancer. Of course, not everyone infected with helicobacter will become ill - this is determined by factors such as time, environmental influences or even the patient's genetic make-up. And recent research has shown that Helicobacter pylori infection in children can also cause developmental delay and reduced performance.

Can helicobacter infection be filtered and cured?

Yes, there are several methods to screen for helicobacter infection. For example, our colleagues perform a Helicobacter pylori test on a tissue sample taken during a gastroscopy almost every time. But there are also non-invasive, non-invasive methods for detecting Helicobacter, such as our C14-urea-exhalation Helicobacter test, which you can read more about below.

Not only is helicobacter easy to screen for, it is also curable. To eradicate the bacteria, you need a course of medication for about a week or two, decided by a doctor. As the course of treatment includes antibiotics and other medicines, the prescription should also be made by a doctor.

Who is helicobacter screening recommended for?

Helicobacter pylori is relatively easy and simple to screen for, so it is recommended that you check your own infection, especially if you have a history of digestive tract problems or a family history of stomach and duodenal ulcers or stomach cancer.

Helicobacter test: C14-urea breath test

with C14-urea breath test is used to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. The test is non-invasive, which means that it does not involve any intervention. This type of Helicobacter test Budapest and Miskolc gastroenterology centre, please ask our colleagues about the current availability of the test in our other centres. The test can be performed by anyone, but eating and drinking is prohibited for three hours before the test. If you have been treated with antibiotics, you should wait at least 4 weeks after the end of treatment before having the test, and 5 days if you are taking antacid medication (antacid medication means, for example, H2-receptor blockers or proton pump blockers).

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