Új vezeték nélküli reflux vizsgálat az Endomedix Gasztoenterológiai központjaiban – pH kapszula

Az Endomedix Diagnosztikai Központok örömmel jelentik be a legújabb, forradalmi technológiát a gasztroenterológiai diagnosztika terén: az alpHaONE vezeték nélküli pH kapszula vizsgálatot. Ez az innovatív eljárás lehetővé teszi a nyelőcső savasságának hosszú távú, akár 96 órás monitorozását, biztosítva a pontos és megbízható adatgyűjtést a gastrooesophagealis reflux betegség (GERD) diagnosztizálásához. Mi az alpHaONE pH kapszula vizsgálat? […]
Szén-dioxid inszuffláció az Endomedix központokban: Az Ön kényelme és biztonsága a legfontosabb számunkra

Az endoszkópos vizsgálatok sokak számára kellemetlen élményt jelenthetnek. Az Endomedix központokban azonban a legfejlettebb, szén-dioxid inszufflációs technológiát alkalmazzuk, amely orvosilag bizonyított előnyeivel nemcsak a vizsgálat hatékonyságát, hanem az Ön kényelmét is növeli. Ez a módszer modern és költséges, de hiszünk abban, hogy minden páciensünknek megérdemli a legjobbat. 1. Kisebb fájdalom és kevesebb puffadás – Az […]
Food intolerance testing - Why use venous blood?

Food intolerance screening is done with blood, so blood sampling is essential for testing, and two methods are widely used. One method involves pricking a fingertip to obtain a few drops of blood. The advantage of this is that it can be done at home without the help of an assistant, but the disadvantage is that the small amount of blood taken may not be enough for the test, and the small amount of whole blood [...]
Before colonoscopy

Preparing for a colonoscopy requires professional preparation, which also takes time. A specialist consultation precedes the mirror examination, where the preparation of the examination is discussed after the patient's condition has been assessed and complaints have been identified. If the examination is performed under anaesthesia, a further face-to-face meeting with the anaesthetist is necessary to decide whether the anaesthesia is suitable. The examination [...]
After colonoscopy

After a colonoscopy without anaesthesia, no special observation is needed unless it is justified for a possible therapeutic intervention. If the colonoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia, the patient is kept in an observation room until full awakening. It is important to note that temporary unsteadiness may persist in the hours following the administration of anaesthetics, for example, driving a car should be avoided. The air injected during the test is later expelled naturally. After a colonoscopy, [...]
Colonoscopy procedure

After successful preparation, the colonoscopy itself can take place. If the colonoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia, a small plastic cannula (Branül) is inserted into a forearm vein before the procedure - this is used to administer the intravenous anaesthetic (e.g. Propofol) and painkillers. Once the patient is lying on the examination table, our doctor will perform a finger examination of the rectum (rectal [...]
About gastroscopy

Upper panendoscopy (examination of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum) Upper panendoscopy is the first choice for suspected peptic ulcer, and is known to patients as gastroscopy or gastroscopy. In fact, it involves observation not only of the stomach but also of the first third of the oesophagus and duodenum. With this examination, a skilled examiner can [...]
Helicobacter pylori - what do you need to know about helicobacter infection?

Helicobacter pylori is a very common pathogen, found in half of the world's population. The Helicobacter bacterium is transmitted from person to person through food contaminated with microscopic traces of faeces or by putting into the mouth a body part or object that has been similarly contaminated. Thus, it is easy for immediate family members or people living in the same household to infect each other. Many people are infected as infants. What diseases [...]
Why should you seek the help of a dietitian?

You can consult a dietitian for any nutritional issues such as bloating, reflux, digestive problems, contaminated small bowel syndrome, food allergies or intolerances.
What is dietetics?

Today, dietetics has developed into a science in its own right, based on nutritional science, investigating the metabolic processes that are shaped by disease, and exploring the principles and main interrelationships of dietetics.