How is the anaesthetic test done?

In our country, many patients with digestive problems put off an examination because they fear the inconvenience of endoscopic examinations.

But there is a solution: In our Endomedix Diagnostic Centres, gastroscopy and colonoscopy are performed performed painlessly, under general anaesthesia.

But is anaesthesia dangerous? What is the difference between anaesthesia and stunning?
We talked to leading experts about this:
During gastrointestinal endoscopy, the stomach and the intestinal tract are inflated with air to ensure a good view. This results in dull tension, discomfort and sometimes cramping pains, which makes the examination more difficult for both the patient and the examining doctor," begins Dr. Péter Orosz, chief gastroenterologist. Patients often delay the examination for fear of being scanned, which unfortunately can delay the diagnosis. Dr. Ilona Ökrös, chief anaesthetist, explains the difference between anaesthesia and sedation. Anaesthesia is a slightly more superficial state of consciousness, where the patient is aware of his or her surroundings - as if events were happening at a distance - but feels no pain during the procedure, so we can make the patient feel comfortable. Anaesthesia or sedation can be used for most patients, but the type of intervention and the painfulness of the procedure will determine which the anaesthetist chooses.

Related Endomedix examinations: Gastroenterology consultation, Colonoscopy with or without anaesthesia

Mirror images

Colonoscopy is performed using anaesthesia, a similar but artificially induced state to sleep at night. This involves the use of an appropriate dose of anaesthetic and a strong analgesic, or oxygen through a face mask. At the end of the test, the patient wakes up immediately and waits in the recovery room until the mild stupor from the anaesthesia has disappeared, usually completely within 15 minutes. Gastroscopy is performed by inserting the examination device through the mouth. This makes the anaesthesia more difficult, as it is not possible to use a face mask, and the anaesthetist's control is more difficult. For the patient's safety, therefore, only sedation is used, which is a stupefied but easily awakened state.


Anaesthetists do not ask for a special examination when using either method. The general condition of the patient determines whether a preventive examination is necessary. When planning endoscopic examinations, the gastroenterologist will give a preliminary opinion on the anaesthetic suitability, but the final decision is made by the anaesthetist. It is important to know the patient's tolerance level, what anaesthesia he/she has had in previous operations, how he/she has tolerated the operation, whether he/she has had any complications. In other words, the patient's previous reactions may be important.


Under proper medical supervision, there are no particular dangers to be feared - emphasises Dr Balázs Szedlák, assistant professor of anaesthesiology. Mirror anaesthesia requires less medication than surgical anaesthesia and the anaesthesia is not as deep. The advantage of the short-acting drugs is that they can be repeated at any time during the examination, if necessary, so that the duration of anaesthesia can be adapted to the length of the procedure. Afterwards, patients wake up on their own, without being woken up in the true sense of the word.

Let's seize the opportunity!

The threshold for pain varies from person to person, and there are significant individual differences in the experience of pain. It is difficult to predict how much pain a mirror examination will cause a particular patient. If you want to avoid the discomfort of a mirror examination, we recommend that you take advantage of the anaesthesia option.

For further personal advice, please contact, call us or write to us online!

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