Phone numbers

Budapest, Debrecen, Dombóvár, Miskolc, Siófok, Szolnok and Veszprém

BudapestdebrecendombóváriMiskolcszolnoki and Veszprém you can check in at our centres for via the internet or by phone working days Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 from (1) 413-2500 phone number. Outside office hours, you can leave a message on our answering machine or request a callback via our website - we will get back to you as soon as possible!


Our Győr Centre you can register for tests at 06-30-642-2333 and 06-20-4367664 phone numbers, working days 10-14 or Between 17-18.00 hrs Please note that due to ongoing examinations we are not always able to answer the phone immediately - we apologise in advance! Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply online to our Győr centre.


Our Gyula Centre you can make an appointment for examinations at our doctors in Gyula at the following telephone numbers weekdays 10-14 hours Between. Unfortunately, online application is not possible for our Gyula Centre.

Doctor Consultation time Phone number We continue to await our patients in our Dmbóvár Food Intolerance and Blood Sampling Centre
Dr. László Szalai Monday, 16-18 hours +36-20-775-3025 Check-in: weekdays 10-14 hours
Dr. János Novák Ph.D. Tuesday, 16-18 hours +36-30-995-0319 Check-in: weekdays 10-14 hours
Dr. Zoltán Gurzó Wednesday, 16-18 hours +36-30-520-1075 Check-in: weekdays 10-14 hours
Dr. Sándor Ilyés Thursday, 16-18 hours +36-70-944-7655 Check-in: weekdays 10-14 hours
Dr. Levente Bordás Thursday, 16-18 hours +36-30-623-9807 Check-in: weekdays 10-14 hours

Mohács food intolerance

To Mohács with 06 30/901-2809 and 06 20/969-1260 on weekdays on the following telephone numbers, after 17h00.

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