Dr. László Szalai

Dr. László Szalai

Chief Medical Officer
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Gyula

Gastroenterologist, Endomedix Gyula

Chief Medical Officer
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Gyula
Dr. László Szalai is the chief physician of the Endomedix Diagnostic Centre in Gyula.
Doctor Szalai Mondays between 16 and 18 hours assigns the Endomedix headquarters in Gyula. You can apply directly to him for an examination on weekdays between 10-14 hours with +36-20-775-3025 . Unfortunately, online registration is not possible in our Gyula Centre.
Professional qualifications of Dr. László Szalai
-SZOTE Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of General Medicine (1984)
-Examination in gynaecology (1995)
-Gastroenterology qualification (1999)

Dr. László Szalai's professional experience
- Internist, Gastroenterologist, General Internal Medicine Department of Pándy Kálmán County Hospital No. III of Gyula, Gastroenterology Profile (1990-)

Dr. László Szalai National professional positions
-Member, Hungarian Gastroenterological Society

Online booking

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