Role and function of the small intestine

Role and function of the small intestine - the small intestine transmits intestinal contents to the large intestine through peristaltic movement (motility).

It forms an important barrier between the bacterial population in the intestinal contents and the sterile interior of the body (barrier function), involving both intestinal motility and mucosal immunoglobulin production.

with Small intestinehas an important role in digestion, absorption of nutrients and secretion of intestinal fluid. The majority of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are Small intestineis absorbed at the initial stage (mainly in the jejunum).

Calcium, iron and phosphoric acid are absorbed in the rat's intestine, while the final stage of the ileum (terminal ileum) is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12 and bile acids. A Small intestinealso produces proteins (apolipoproteins) that play an important role in fat transport.

It also produces hormone-like substances (bioamines, peptides).

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