Diseases of the small intestine

Small bowel diseases - diseases of the small bowel are divided into primary and secondary diseases.

The primary Small intestinediseases from the Small intestinecan be derived from. They include congenital enzyme deficiencies (lactase deficiency, abetalipoprotenemia, amino acid transport disorders), infections (viral, bacterial, protozoal, worm and fungal infections), bacterial overgrowth syndrome, coeliac disease (celiac disease), Crohn's disease (can affect any part of the alimentary canal), Whipple's disease (rare infection), tropical sprue, collagen sprue, amyloidosis, eosinophilic cell small bowel inflammationthe sarcoidosis, and the Small intestineprimary cancers.

Secondary diseases include conditions that are not directly derived from the small intestine but affect the Small intestinetissues. These include abnormalities caused by certain medications (mucosal damage caused by NSAIDs, adverse effects caused by laxatives or chemotherapeutic drugs), the effects of hormonal diseases (thyroid dysfunction, parathyroid hyperfunction), the Small intestineblood supply disorders, movement disorders caused by diabetes, adverse effects of neuroendocrine tumours, adverse effects of AIDS or adverse effects of whole-body autoimmune diseases (e.g. progressive systemic sclerosis).

with Small intestineSymptoms of illnesses include diarrhoea, indigestion, bloating, foul-smelling stools, weight loss, protein, vitamin and trace mineral deficiencies, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, oedema, fever, skin symptoms, nervous system symptoms, heart, heart muscle and skeletal muscle disorders.

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