Role and function of liver

Role and function of the liver - the liver is the most important organ of metabolism.

Carbohydrate metabolism is responsible for the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels, glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis), synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate raw materials during prolonged starvation, glycogen synthesis (glycogenesis), conversion of fructose, galactose to glucose.

In protein metabolism, it is involved in the production of plasma proteins, blood clotting factors, urea synthesis, amino acid metabolism and the production of vitamin K-dependent factors.

with Liveralso has a wide-ranging role in fat metabolism. Its functions include fatty acid synthesis and breakdown, cholesterol synthesis and secretion, synthesis of lipoproteins, ketogenesis.

It also plays an essential role in the metabolism of hormones and vitamins, the breakdown of toxic substances, immune functions, iron and copper metabolism and bilirubin metabolism.

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