Liver diet

Liver diet - for liver disease, a liver diet can be an essential tool for symptomatic treatment of the disease.

Liverin shrinkage, a low-salt (max 2 g salt per day) and high-protein diet is important, but in liver-derived confusion, a low intake of protein per day (40-60 g per day) is recommended.

Avoiding foods containing copper (e.g. cocoa, liver, mushrooms) is important in rheumatic storage disease (Wilson's disease).

From EpeIn diseases of the digestive system, increased intake of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) and calcium may be important.

In fatty liver disease, you should reduce your intake of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates and increase your intake of fruit and vegetables.

It is recommended to avoid alcohol and other medicines that may damage the liver.

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