Oral cavity examination

Oral cavity examination - the oral cavity is mainly examined by a dentist/oral surgeon, sometimes by an ENT specialist or a gastroenterologist.

with Oral cavityexamination includes examination of the teeth, the Oral cavitythe mucous membranes lining the tongue and the Oral cavityvisual inspection, palpation and instrumental examination of the bony formations bordering the

If these suggest the possibility of a disease, the examining doctor may order further imaging (X-ray, ultrasound, computer tomography [CT], magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] or instrumental (endoscopy, aspiration cytology) tests.

with Oral cavitycan be done by yourself in front of a mirror, which can help to detect certain abnormalities (e.g. moving teeth, inflamed, bleeding gums), white, spotty lesions on the mucous membranes (leukoplakia, aphthae) or small or large lumps, colour changes (e.g. red tongue, black hairy tongue) and to consult a specialist early.

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