Dr. Lóránd Varga

Dr. Lóránd Varga

Adjunct professor
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Miskolc

Gastroenterologist, Endomedix Miskolc

Adjunct professor
Gastroenterology and internal medicine
Endomedix Miskolc
Dr. Lóránd Varga is an internist-gastroenterologist at the Endomedix Diagnostic Centre in Miskolc.
Professional qualifications of Dr. Lóránd Varga
-University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Târgu Mures, Faculty of General Medicine (2005)
-Examination in gynaecology (2013)
-Gastroenterology (2016)

Dr. Lóránd Varga's professional experience
- Internist, Gastroenterologist, General Internal Medicine Department of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Hospital and University Teaching Hospital II, Gastroenterology Profile (2008-)
-General Practitioner, Kazincbarcika - Municipal Hospital - Internal Medicine Department (2006-2008)
-Voluntary Osteoporosis Prevention Society (1998-2005)

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