Dr. Dávid Pécsi

Dr. Dávid Pécsi

Endomedix Győr

Gastroenterologist, Endomedix Győr

Endomedix Győr
Dr. Dávid Pécsi is a gastroenterologist at the Endomedix Diagnostic Centre in Győr. You can register for his examinations at 06-70-7479800 phone number. Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply online to our Győr Centre.
Professional qualifications of Dr. Dávid Pécsi
-Semmelweis Medical University, General Medicine (2017)
-Gastroenterology (2023)

Dr. Dávid Pécsi's professional experience
- Gastroenterologist, Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital, Győr, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology (2021-)
- General Physician, Karolina Hospital, Mosonmagyaróvár (2017-2021)

The professional specialisation of Dr. Dávid Pécsi
Dr. Dávid Pécsi is highly skilled in endoscopic examinations and surgeries, treatment and care of patients with IBD, hepatology, biliary tract and other gastrointestinal diseases. She passed her specialist examination at Semmelweis University with excellent grades. In her daily practice, she places great emphasis on prevention and appropriate, individualised patient information. In the course of his work he performs a large number of endoscopic surgeries and operations. He is a regular participant in national and international training courses and conferences, thanks to which he applies the knowledge and the latest recommendations he has acquired in his daily practice.

Dr. Dávid Pécsi's scientific work
Dr. Dávid Pécsi's publications in foreign languages have been published in the fields of inflammatory bowel diseases, colorectal screening, iron deficiency anemia, pancreatitis, Clostridium Difficile infections and ERCP procedures. He is a regular speaker at the General Meetings of the Hungarian Gastroenterological Society since 2015.

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