Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer - one of the most common malignancies.

In our country, around 8-10 thousand people per year Large intestinethe number of deaths from cancer. There are no specific symptoms, but there may be changes in bowel movements (alternating between diarrhoea and constipation), bloody stools, abdominal pain, bloating, increased gas production, weight loss, anaemia.

Most Large intestinecancer develops in tiny polyps, on average over 10-15 years. This is why the role of screening is so important, as it can help to detect precancerous conditions early and treat them in a simple way. Everyone over the age of 50 is recommended to have a Colonoscopyto carry out. If the test is completely negative, the individual can be reassured for 10 years that they will not develop colon cancer.

Predisposing factors include obesity, consumption of fatty, low-fibre foods, a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of inflammatory bowel disease, and certain hereditary syndromes.

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