Esophageal examination process

Esophageal examination procedure - esophageal examinations should be performed on an empty stomach whenever possible.

The endoscopic oesophageal examinationDuring the procedure, after ingestion of a local anaesthetic fluid, a thin fibre-optic device a few millimetres wide is swallowed, through which the doctor can obtain an image of the Food-pipefrom the inner surface and take a histological sample of any lesions, or an ultrasound scan to Food-pipewall layers and their surroundings.

Endoscopic methods can also be used to perform therapeutic interventions (haemostasis, mucosal removal or laceration, dilation). In special cases, these examinations can also be performed by intravenous sedation.

Radiological examinations involve the ingestion of contrast media, which make the swallowing process and certain abnormalities of the mucosa visible.

Some of the functional tests also involve swallowing thin instruments through which pressure or chemistry can be measured.

Isotope tests require imaging under a special isotope camera after ingestion of isotope-labelled test items or materials: painless but time-consuming tests.

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