Diseases of the oral cavity

Diseases of the oral cavity - the diversity of diseases of the oral cavity is due to the fact that there are many different formulas involved in the structure of the oral cavity.

Tooth decay and the resulting periodontitis (pulpitis), periodontitis and periapical periodontitis are among the most common diseases. Numerical and shape abnormalities of the teeth are also common. Diseases of the salivary glands (salivary gland inflammation, salivary gland tumours) are also included.

with Oral cavitydiseases of the mucous membranes lining the tongue can be many: gingivitis, inflammation of the special mucous membrane of the tongue (glossitis), and other Oral cavityinflammation of the mucous membranes (stomatitis). Oral cavitypre-cancerous conditions (e.g. leukoplakia), benign and malignant cancers can be diverse, from Oral cavitybecause of the diversity of the tissue elements that make up the

with Oral cavitysymptoms and complaints may also be caused by diseases of the lower parts of the digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach). For example, tooth decay, plaque on the tongue, halitosis (halitosis) caused by gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in atypical locations.

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