Location and structure of the liver

Location and structure of the liver - the liver is a large glandular organ weighing 1.2-1.5 kg, located under the right diaphragm.

with Liverare lobed, with the lobes divided into segments for blood supply.

with Liverhistological image shows hepatocellular islets with sinusoids. These sinusoids are in direct contact with the liver cells and serve as a means of exchange between the blood and the liver cells.

In terms of structure, the vena centralis is the centre of the lobe, the edges of which are connected by the portal triads. The triad consists of the branches of the hepatic artery, the vena portae and the bile canaliculi.

with Livercan be divided into three parts:

  • classic lobes,
  • portal lobe and
  • májacinus.

The classic liver lobe is seen as a roughly hexagonal clump of tissue on a histological image of the liver. It is based on the distribution of the branches of the v. portae and a. hepatica within the liver, measuring roughly 0.7×2.0 mm. In the middle is the relatively wide central vena cava, where the sinusoids lead. From here the cell plates extend radially towards the periphery. The portal triads are located at the corners of the hexagon. At the edges of this triangle, between the connective tissue stroma and the hepatocytes, are the so-called Mall spaces.

The portal lobe of the Liverperforms its exocrine function, the secretion of bile. Thus, its axis is the interlobular triad of the classical lobule portal Bile ductse, and its outer edges are imaginary lines drawn between three adjacent vena centralis. These lines delimit a roughly triangular gland containing the bile-secreting parts of the classic lobule.

The hepatic cyst shows the best correlation between blood flow and liver pathology. It is a rhomboidal unit with a short axis formed by the terminal branches of the portal triax between two adjacent classical lobules and a long axis formed by a straight line between the two vena centralis closest to the former.

The perisinusoidal (Disse) space is the site of exchange between hepatocytes and blood. It lies between the basal surface of the hepatocytes, the sinusoidal endothelial cells and the basal surface of the Kuppfer cells.

with Liverproteins and lipoproteins produced by cells are released into the blood through the Disse- ter. The Kuppfer cells here form the lining of the sinusoid, with their extensions pushing into the sinusoids. They may be involved in the dissection of damaged and senescent red blood cells, which enter from the spleen via the vena portae. This is also where the stellate cells (Ito cells) are found, which store vitamin A but can, under pathological conditions, be transformed into collagen-synthesising cells.

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