Symptoms and treatment of pancreatic diseases

Symptoms and treatment of pancreatic diseases - the symptoms of pancreatic diseases are quite varied.

Inflammatory diseases may be associated with abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea, vomiting, fever, acceleration of heart rate, and the appearance of multi-organ failure.

Purplish skin discolouration may occur on the back (especially in the lumbar region) and around the navel. Painful, inflamed, reddish skin nodules may appear on the skin.

Gastrointestinal bleeding, blood oozing may also occur. The inflammation is often so severe that the patient requires hospitalisation.

For the idiopathic pancreatitis(chronic pancreatitis) a disease that causes constant or recurrent abdominal pain, indigestion (bloating, fatty stools), and even diabetes as a late symptom.

Cancer, on the other hand, remains hidden for a long time, as it develops almost completely asymptomatically.

By the time they cause symptoms (abdominal-back pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, jaundice, recurrent deep vein thrombosis), the picture is usually of a very advanced disease.

Perhaps a lucky exception might be the Pancreasin the main part of the common Bile ductssmall tumours adjacent to the bile duct, which cause jaundice (squeeze the bile duct) relatively early, so they can be detected earlier.

The hormonally active pancreatic cancerDespite their small size, they can cause quite intense symptoms, caused by the hormonally active substances they produce.

with Pancreasthe treatment of diseases is a medical, hospital task. Treatment includes temporary starvation, medication and sometimes surgery.

Treatment of cancer is primarily surgical, but radiotherapy and chemotherapy may also be needed.

The treatments aim to Pancreasimmobilise, relieve pain and, in the case of tumours, remove or reduce the amount of tumour tissue.

Another pillar of treatment is the lack of Pancreassupplementing enzymes with medicines.

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