
Pancreatitis - acute inflammation of the pancreas (acute pancreatitis) can be very mild and can be cured with diet in a few days, but it can also be a serious, life-threatening condition that requires hospital or intensive care.

It occurs at a rate of 1-5 cases per 10000 individuals per year.

Common predisposing factors include gallstone disease, obesity, alcohol consumption, and fatty food consumption. Less common predisposing factors are certain metabolic conditions, infections, blood disorders, genetic factors, autoimmune diseases.

For the idiopathic Pancreasinflammation (chronic pancreatitis), a disease that causes constant or recurrent abdominal pain, indigestion, and even diabetes as a late symptom.

It occurs at a rate of 8 cases per 100,000 individuals per year.

The most common triggers are regular alcohol consumption and Pancreasbut also certain metabolic conditions, infections, blood supply disorders, genetic factors, autoimmune diseases.

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