Role and function of bile

Role and function of bile - bile salts in bile increase the solubility of cholesterol, fat and fat-soluble vitamins and help their absorption.

From Epesalts stimulate the secretion of water from the Large intestinewhich helps the contents of the intestine to pass. Bilirubin (the main colouring agent in bile), as the end product of dead red blood cells, is released into the bile and gives the faeces a greenish-brown colour.
Medicines and other breakdown products are excreted in the bile and then leave the body. Some of the Epe proteins that play an important role in its absorptive function are also secreted into the bile.
From Epesalts in the Small intestine are reabsorbed in the ileum, the final stage of the Liverthey return to the bile. This recycling of bile salts is called the enterohepatic circulation. All the bile salts in the body make this cycle about 10-12 times a day.
Some components are reabsorbed, others are excreted in the faeces.

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