Large intestine

Large intestine - the last part of the digestive tract, about 1.5 metres long. It is located in the abdominal cavity like a question mark.

with Large intestinecan be divided into several parts. An arrow of the worm extension is visible at the bottom of the appendix. The appendix and the ascending (right) Large intestinethe border of the small intestine opens through a valve. A Large intestineLiverand spleen between the bends of the ridge Large intestine, followed by the landing (left) Large intestineand the S-shaped sigmoid colon that is attached to the rectum Rectuman S-shaped sigmoid colon attached to the.

The appendix, a little finger-shaped tube that acts as an important lymphatic organ, originates from the cecum. It Large intestinesecretes mucus and plays an important role in the Large intestineabsorption of water that has entered.

Its function is to filter unabsorbed substances (excess digestive juices, indigestible food residues, cells that have been rubbed off the intestinal mucosa, dead bacteria, small amounts of proteins and fats) and to eliminate waste products.

On an average diet, about 75-170 g of faeces are passed every day. A Large intestineits rich bacterial flora can break down cellulose, produce vitamin K and decompose protein in alkaline conditions.

with Large intestinethe myriad bacteria living in the tank continue to digest certain substances, producing gas. Bacteria are needed for healthy gut function, but certain diseases and antibiotics can disrupt the Large intestinethe balance of different bacteria (dysbacteriosis), which can cause mucus and water secretion and diarrhoea.

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