Role and function of the pancreas - the role of the pancreas is twofold.
The outer secretory glandular cells produce digestive enzymes that help the Small intestineto digest sugars, proteins and fats.
Also important is the production of bicarbonate from the external glandular tissue, which in part provides a slightly alkaline pH in the small intestine, thus promoting the function of digestive enzymes, neutralising gastric acid and thus protecting the epithelium of the small intestine.
The endocrine glands produce a number of hormones that play a major role in regulating the body's carbohydrate balance.
Its main hormones are insulin, glucagon and somatostatin. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells. The effect of glucagon Liverthe starch in the starch is converted back into glucose.
And somatostatin is an inhibitory hormone of paramount importance in the regulation of the digestive system.