Rectal examination procedure

Rectal examination procedure - One of the simplest and most common rectal screening tests is the finger rectal examination (digital rectal examination).

The patient is in a forward leaning, knee-elbow or side-lying position. During the examination, the doctor looks at the anusand its surroundings, and then, using a rubber glove smeared with lubricant, gently reach up through the anus Rectumbe.

The test finger can then be used to scan 360 degrees around the Rectum. In doing so, not only the Rectum mucosal growths, internal haemorrhoids, anus The size and consistency of the prostate gland in men, and possible sensitivity of the vagina and uterine cavity in women. In both sexes Rectum areas around the skin can also be palpated (tenderness, inflammation, signs of abscess formation).

with Rectum and anus fibre-optic instruments (refractoscope, anoscope) are also used to examine the The examination should be performed after defecation and after a cleansing enema. Rectoscopes are used to anusa section of about 20-25 cm from the anus the folds can be smoothed out, so that cracks and haemorrhoidal lesions are more easily observed.

Functional tests (pressure measurement, video recording) can also be carried out in specialised centres in case of bowel leakage complaints or pain.

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