Gastroenterology consultation

Personal consultation with an experienced gastroenterologist at Endomedix.

Second medical opinion

Szakorvosi másodvélemény (Korábbi diagnózisok részletes véleményezése)

Consultation with a specialist in internal medicine

Personal consultation with an experienced Endomedix specialist in internal medicine.

Endocrinology consultation

A personal consultation with an experienced endocrinologist at Endomedix.

Endocrinology consultation (control)

A personal control consultation with an experienced endocrinologist at Endomedix.

Paediatric gastroenterology consultation

Consultation with an experienced paediatric and infant gastroenterologist at Endomedix.

Consultation with a surgical specialist

Personal consultation with an experienced Endomedix surgeon.


Gastroscopy also allows the oesophagus, stomach and horseshoe casing to be examined. In addition, a histological sample can be obtained and therapeutic interventions can be performed by our doctor.


A gentler version of gastroscopy is gastroscopy under anaesthesia, where the patient under anaesthesia does not experience the discomfort of the examination.


Colonoscopy is used to detect and, if necessary, treat lesions inside the bowel, such as polyps, strictures, inflammation or even tumours.


The aim of colonoscopy is to detect and treat lesions inside the bowel. Colonoscopies are uncomfortable examinations, so it is recommended that they be performed under general anaesthesia.

Gastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy

In the case of gastroscopy and colonoscopy, these two examinations are carried out at the same time, or more precisely, immediately after each other.


Az altatásos gyomor- és vastagbéltükrözés esetén e két vizsgálatot egyszerre, pontosabban rögtön egymás után végezzük el altatásban.

Short colonoscopy

During a short colonoscopy - sigmoidoscopy - the lower rectum and lower colon are viewed and examined.


During a short colonoscopy under general anaesthesia - sigmoidoscopy - the lower rectum and colon are examined.

Colonoscopy control test

Follow-up after rectoscopy for haemorrhoids.

Colonoscopy with specialist consultation

In the case of hemorrhoids, a personal consultation and hemorrhoid examination with an anoscope.

Dietetic advice

Our dietitian will assess the patient's current nutritional status, evaluate their eating habits and draw up an appropriate nutritional plan and diet.

Gastroenterology Specialist Advice - Microbiome Testing After

Online consultation with a gastroenterologist about the results of the microbiome test.

Dietary Advice - Microbiome Testing After

Online consultation with a dietician about the results of the microbiome test.

Body composition determination with dietetic evaluation

During the test, our expert dietician uses a Bio Impedance Analyser to assess your exact body composition, such as the ratio of fat to muscle mass.

Body composition measurement - Bio Impedance Analysis (BIA)

During the test, our expert dietician uses a Bio Impedance Analyser to assess your exact body composition, such as the ratio of fat to muscle mass.

Food Intolerance Express machine test with dietician consultation

Food intolerance detection for about 220 foods and ingredients, with express rapid assessment, personal dietetic consultation

Food Intolerance Express machine test

Food intolerance detection for about 220 foods and ingredients with express rapid evaluation.

Food intolerance machine test

Detection of food intolerance for about 220 foods and ingredients, with standard evaluation.

Food intolerance machine test with dietetic consultation

Food intolerance detection for about 220 foods and ingredients, with standard evaluation and dietary consultation

Hydrogen breath test - fructose (3 hours)

If you experience regular, unpleasant abdominal symptoms after eating fruit, it is worth checking whether your symptoms are caused by a fructose intolerance

Hydrogen breath test - fructose (3 hours)

If you experience regular, unpleasant abdominal symptoms after eating fruit, it is worth checking whether your symptoms are caused by a fructose intolerance

Hydrogen breath test - lactose (3 hours)

A simple, painless way to diagnose lactose intolerance is to perform a so-called H2, or hydrogen breath test.

Hydrogen breath test - lactulose (3 hours)

This test detects the hydrogen produced by exposure to lactulose from the blown air using an instrumented method.

Helicobacter pylori C-14 urea sputum test

People infected with helicobacter have a significantly increased risk of developing certain digestive diseases, so it is recommended that you check your own infection.

Pre-anaesthesia lab kit

Laboratory tests required prior to anaesthetic mirror examination included in the package

Sugar and insulin lab kit

Laboratory tests on glucose metabolism included in a package

Kisrutin laboratory package

Key laboratory tests bundled

Grand Routine laboratory package

Key laboratory tests bundled

Thyroid lab package

Laboratory tests on thyroid function included in the package

Ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis

The aim of abdominal and pelvic ultrasound is to examine the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound with specialist consultation

The abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination is complemented by a specialist gastroenterology consultation.

Abdominal ultrasound scan

An abdominal ultrasound scan is used to examine the abdominal cavity organs - such as the liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidneys.

Abdominal ultrasound scan with specialist consultation

The abdominal ultrasound examination is complemented by a specialist gastroenterology consultation.

ColonAiQ - Vastag- és végbélrák szűrés

Innovatív, vérminta alapú szűrőteszt – a vastag- és végbélrák megelőzésének kulcsa. Jelentkezzen érzékeny vizsgálatunkra még ma!

Neuropátia szűrés

A neuropátia az idegek károsodása, amely különböző okokból – például cukorbetegség, autoimmun betegségek vagy toxinok hatására – alakulhat ki. Ez az állapot érzészavarokat, zsibbadást, izomgyengeséget és fájdalmat okozhat, ami jelentősen befolyásolhatja az életminőséget.

Oncology/haematology specialist consultation

A personal consultation with an experienced oncologist/hematologist at Endomedix.

pH kapszula vizsgálat

pH kapszula vizsgálat